Sunday, August 05, 2007

Birthday Bash!

I sure celebrated with a bang this year, the 33rd year of my life!

--Peggy and I celebrated by having dinner together at Ruby Tuesday.

--Cheryl, Alan, Ian and Lydia had Steve and I and Amber and Cannon over for a pool party. Ian and Lydia decorated me a beautiful birthday cake!

--Steve and I went to BabiesRUs to register for Sarah and then he surprised me with dinner out at Regas. They brought me a delicious red velvet cake for dessert!

--Philip and Holley had us over for pizza and Lauren-decorated cupcakes.

--My in-laws had us over for dinner and a cake decorated for me by Amber and Cannon, but Grandpa couldn't wait and had to eat a piece before we could take a picture. :)

So, as you can tell, I had a very special birthday this year!! And this will be the year that I'm finally a mom, Hallelujah!!!


The Shoemakers said...

So, you had your cake and ate it, too, and again, and again :) That's the best way to celebrate your birthday. Because you know, after this year, it's all about Sarah Grace. Oh, yea! Happy Birthday!

Emily Marshall said...

Hey Julie. I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy Birthday!!!!

Sounds like you had a fun one!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that I am sooooo belated in wishing you a happy birthday! But HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day was wonderful and next year you will be able to celebrate with little Sarah Grace!